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Editing Services



Our specialty is line editing, which entails improving style, fluency, accuracy, clarity, grammar, usage, word choice and word order ...... we also eliminate redundancies, stilted or archaic usage, breach of style and superfluous writing.

Some past editing projects include:

• "I Made it Off the Block" by Guillermo Eiland
• “The Legacies of Judge A.D. Sayre and Zelda Fitzgerald” a non-fiction book by F. Scott Fitzgerald’s grandson, Samuel Lanahan, III.
• “Until the Full Moon,” a novel by Charlet Wang
• “Kilie the Dreamer,” a novel for young adults by Humera Ansari
• “The Maiden Voyage of Soñador,” a novel by Mark Overturff
• “The Divine Fiat: Black Excellence in Herbalism” a non-fiction book by Kwame M. Vaughn
• “Lucky Dog,” a memoir by Dallas White
• a series of literary reviews on diabetes
• a bio for a spa business website
• a doctoral dissertation on patent litigation
• a book on holistic cancer cures
• a letter to a collection agency
• master’s thesis: privacy concerns arising from technological advancements
• medical journal articles on pediatrics
• a doctoral dissertation on nursing management
• a podcast script on marijuana entrepreneurs
• a business proposal for hydroelectric power in Africa
• a master’s thesis on social geography
• engineering reports for the federal government on soil contamination
• an advertisement for a new day spa in New York City
• a master’s thesis on computer servers
• proposal for waste disposal and recycling for the Congo
• letter to a judge pleading for leniency in divorce case
• a medical report on difficult diagnoses
• a master’s thesis on the feasibility of the Airbus
• a magazine article on women empowerment in India
• a book on child psychology
• a booklet on the power of positive thinking
• letter to the courts for obtaining child custody
• personal statements for dental school, med school, and law school
• a magazine article on violence against women in India
• a collection of childhood anecdotes
• a personal memoir about coming of age in rural Texas
• a master’s thesis on electric car use
• a personal memoir about growing up in Texas
• a research paper on autism
• a master’s thesis on electric car use
• a press release for a new author
• a letter to a judge pleading for custody of a minor
• a novella of mainstream young adult fiction
• a letter to a traffic court judge to lessen charge for reckless driving



Q What is the difference between line editing and proofreading/copy editing?

A. A line editor emulates the writer’s ‘voice,’ improving on the sentences, verifying correct usage and grammar, making the writing more succinct and less superfluous, improving vocabulary, and finding better phrasing to make it all flow. Line editing certainly includes proofreading, but that is just one of many aspects of an editor’s job. Proofreading (and to some extent, copy editing) essentially entails checking for errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. Professional writers often use proofreaders as a last step before going to publication. While proofreading is a science, line editing is an art.


Q How much does it cost?

A  The fee for line editing is usually 3.5 cents a word, with a $30 minimum.  The price-per-word is lower for basic proofreading, or book-length works, and can be more, depending on the complexity of the project.  However, you will receive an exact quote after you send your work. 

Q How do I pay?

A. Default billing is via PayPal invoice (but you may request payment through Zelle or Venmo).  For PayPal, an account is not required--only your personal email address.  We normally require payment upfront, although for works of over $200, you may opt to pay only half upfront and half on delivery.  If you have a large project and are nervous about sending a lot of money in advance, we are happy to work with you.  Some authors send just enough for one chapter at a time, and do their entire book in sections. That's perfectly fine, if that sets your mind at ease.


Q Do I have to pay extra for “rush” jobs?

A No. We don't charge for rush jobs. If you have an emergency and we are able to meet your deadline, we will try to make it work. If we think it will be difficult to finish when you want, we will let you know before starting the project. Small projects can often be done within 24 hours of receipt of payment. 


Q What if I have questions about my project after I have already paid?

A We do not abandon our clients just because the job is finished. If there are questions or concerns, we’re happy to assist if possible. The only thing we cannot do is to “re-edit” the entire manuscript after the client has adjusted it and added more materials, etc. That constitutes another job, since it would mean going over the entire writing again. However, if you highlight specific sentences that you want us to take a second look at, we'll do what we can to help.


Q. Can I see samples of your work?

A Yes, of course. You may see either writing or editing samples on request.  Even better, for longer works (over 10,000 words), we will edit a few pages for you at no obligation.




Q. What editing program do you use?
A. We use 'Track Changes,' which allows you to 'accept' or 'reject' each suggestion, and even  to accept all changes at once, although this is not recommended. When the project is complete and the file is returned to you,  all additions and deletions will be marked in red so that you will be able to see exactly what was edited. If you are unfamiliar with the program, don't worry. It's easy to use, and we'll help you or provide instructions if needed.  

Q. What type of file should I send?

A. You will need to send an MSWord document, as an attachment. A PDF file can be converted, but the quality may suffer as a result.  A Mac is not recommended; nor is GoogleDocs. They also wreak havoc with formatting. Except for very short works, please do not send in the body of your email.  A Word attachment is optimal.

Q. Do you also take care of formatting?

A. Pricing often includes general formatting, most commonly APA-7. More extensive formatting and references can usually be included for a nominal fee. We can also format in MLA, AAA and Chicago. We've also designed covers, and created graphics for book covers, title pages, etc.

Q. How soon can you have my file ready?

A. Small projects of under 2,000 words can often be done within 24 hours once payment is received.  Please let us know if you have an immediate deadline so that we can tell you if the timeline is feasible.  

Q. Do you catch every error?

A.  Industry standard is about 95%... we usually can do a bit better than that.  Large publishing houses have a number of editors before even getting to the final proofreader.  It's virtually impossible, however, to create a 'perfect' manuscript
after one read-through.  

Q. Will you write my school paper for me?

A.  The short answer is 'no.' We can help you and give you ideas, but you need to write your paper yourself.  Not only is it unethical to have someone do your work, but since you are the only one with access to the class and the instructor, you are in the best position to make it work.  Editing someone's rough work, however, is fine. If you do the research and submit a rough copy, we can take it and run with it (and can edit it at 1/4 the cost of researching and writing). 

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